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360 Degree Marketing Seminar For Small Business
Professor Ken has helped build business globally.
Prof. Ken with Governor Scott on Trade Mission to Brazil.

Professor Ken has helped hundreds of professionals become better managers.
Prof. Ken with Teachers Union for Marketing Workshop.

ekn links Social Media Management programs include:
Dedicated Social Media Expert
You will be partnered with an experienced social media expert who will work with you for high level consumer engagement.
Monthly Social Media Management plans start at just $99 (3 months required)
Engaging Content
Personalized and industry-related targeted content, posted 3 days a week to Facebook and one network of your choice, including website news articles, images and post copy.
Monthly Social Media Management plans start at just $99 (3 months required)
Post to Top Social Channels
We will create top post for your business. Post for Facebook +1 network (6 total post per week).
Additional social channels available based on plan.
Monthly Social Media Management plans start at just $99 (3 months required)
Content for Your Business
Monthly Social Media Management plans start at just $99 (3 months required)