Download FREE EBooks for U.S. Market Entry
Enter Into the U.S. Market
ekn links is experienced in developing the U.S. market for a wide assortment of product categories. We have helped companies create distribution channels, sales networks and marketing programs for lines of consumer goods, food, snacks, candy, gifts, toys, heath and beauty items, electronics and a number of service related businesses.
Our business connections to several industries and world markets allow us to help clients on a wide variety of projects. We rely on a strong network of professionals in several industries to assist with all of our partners needs. ekn links first builds a working knowledge of your product and specific needs. We will then discuss a Plan Of Action (POA)™ using all of our resources. Our services are created with you in mind, and we focus on the specific needs of each of our partners.
Successful programs created for top accounts (plus more):

Click on images to view recent case studies.

Issue: New product needed to launch into competitive U.S. category. Results: Awarded Best New Product by industry and secured $1M in new orders.

Issue: Dated brands, declining sales and lost of profits. Results: Increased profits by 11%, sales increase over 20%.

Issue: Strong brand in Brazil that needed to launch and transfer image into U.S. Results: Built local office and team to generate over $1.5M in sales in two years.
Issue: Ineffective sales and product packaging limiting sales. Results: Developed new package and products to open new channels and get $750K in new business.

Issue: Innovative idea with no strategy to market and a need to raise funds. Results: Created strategy and organized concept to present to investors.
Issue: An innovative idea outside the normal channels. Results: Built company and strategy. Sold off company for 10x value.

Issue: New concept requiring change and education to end users and market buyers. Results: Developed promotional teams and concepts, developed sales campaigns and secured over 22 new dealers in year one.
Issue: New product that needed a strong pull thru market for sales. Results: Developed sales team and promotion ideas to deliver over $30M in two years.

Issue: Existing product needed to be sold in U.S. market. Results: Create strategy, new product ideas and marketing for market entry.

Issue: A new company wanted sales into mass retailers. Results: Worked with major retailers to build their own product - sales over $3M.

Issue: New licensed products and concepts that did not have channels. Results: Built programs and channels, sold $880K in year one and won Best New Toy Award.

Issue: Strong product internationally but needed revisions for U.S. Results: Created new product packaging and position, developed strategy to launch product.

Join our list and get the 3 Mistakes Made When Entering the U.S. Market EBOOK FREE!
About ekn links
ekn links is a business development and innovative growth marketing agency
that creates consumer engagement through social media, marketing & strategy.
ekn links applies innovative marketing solutions and focused business development plans to build up new markets, prospect for new business, and building opportunities for brands.

Professor Ken has helped to build business globally.
Prof. Ken with Governor Scott on Trade Mission to Brazil.