An ekn links Brand.
The ekn links story.
Who we are?
ekn links customers to your business. We help to get leads, find customers and grow business. We are growth marketers. Getting likes and followers is fun but making new customers pays the bills and puts money in your pocket. Marketing has evolved. In today’s ECom driven faced paced world it’s all about – see me, like me, buy me once and buy me again and again and again. It’s about acquiring customers who are going to stick around. That’s what we do.
ekn links is a growth marketing firm that focuses on winning your customers to create lifetime value using targeted consumer engagement strategy, marketing and social media. We use creative, low-cost strategies to help businesses acquire and retain customers. ekn links looks at your entire customer lifecycle to help build your long-term customer lifetime value. A customer that sticks around will help you grow your business. We apply analytics and insights to create an ROI that returns more engaged customers. We focus on the long term not the quick ROI.
ekn links grows consumer engagement by developing a focused strategy that applies innovative social media and content, applying a measured marketing solution. ekn links specializes in building up new markets, prospecting for new business, and building opportunities with consumer products and service businesses.
Name, Title
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Prof. Ken Ninomiya - The Small Biz Pilot

Recent Certifications & Awards

Certificate in Best Practices in International Business and Strategy.

Launched home medical product.

Certificate in Best Practices in International Business and Strategy.
Prof. Ken ( specializes in developing and implementing “hands-on” results-oriented strategic management, sales and marketing programs for the entrepreneur, small business and global manufacturer. Experienced in the “art of results” and business coaching, he has provided seminars and workshops to help improve revenue, marketing and personal growth in China, South America, Europe, and throughout the United States.
Prof. Ken’s unique hands-on marketing techniques have earned him several marketing and sales awards including: Best New Product in Industry, Readers Choice Award, Best New Product in Category along with several nominations including Best New Product Development and Best New Children Picture Book. As an executive at Dole products, Tressallure (a Revlon licensed company) and ARCOR, Prof. Ken has helped to develop and launch hundreds of new products. Prof. Ken was given an honorary appointment as the Trade Liaison to the Zhei-Bei district of Shanghai, China while helping companies understand the U.S. market during a year-long residency in 1993.
In 2010, Prof. Ken developed, a system to help educate children ages seven to twelve about entrepreneurship, life and family while authoring two educational work books, “Rusty’s Lemonade Stand” (a Best New Children’s Picture Book Nominee in 2010) and “Suki’s Short Summer”. He has currently completed a new business series workbook for adults entitled “” launching in late 2013 and available on
Prof. Ken is an expert in strategic management, sales, product development and marketing and is a visiting professor at Keller Graduate School and currently President of the South Florida Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators. His award winning company, ekn links, founded in 2003, has successfully launched over $100M in products and services helping a number of companies position their international strategy through. In 2011, Prof. Ken was dubbed the “Small Biz Pilot” and can now be found on line at helping small businesses, entrepreneurs and global firms take flight into new markets.