52% of teens are eager to learn more about money management.
52% of teens are eager to learn more about money management. 14% have taken a class on the topic .
35% would like to learn from their parents.

About BizEBunch.com
Prof. Ken founder of BizEBunch.com begins Hands-on Classroom sessions for kids 7 to 12 about Budgets, Business and Entrepreneurship.
BizEBunch is an education program to teach kids ages 8-17 about business, family and doing the right thing.
This program includes lessons, worksheets, and online videos created by Prof. Ken Ninomiya for eknlinks.com
Prof. Ken created a learning environment for his own children to help them understand some of the basic fundamentals of personal accomplishment and success in business at a young age.
The Focus of the BizEBunch.com Program
Uses a Read. Learn. Do.™ format
Applies a number of the recommended concepts of entrepreneurship learning and teaching national standards
Common Core State Standards Initiative
Economics from the Council for Economic Education
The Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education
Jump$tart Coalition® for Personal Financial Literacy
Business Books for Kids.
Click on Image to Purchase and Download E- Books
Professor Ken has helped build business globally.
Prof. Ken with Governor Scott on Trade Mission to Brazil.

Professor Ken has helped hundreds of professionals become better managers.
Prof. Ken with Teachers Union for Marketing Workshop.

ekn links Social Media Management programs include:
Dedicated Social Media Expert
You will be partnered with an experienced social media expert who will work with you for high level consumer engagement.
Monthly Social Media Management plans start at just $99 (3 months required)
Engaging Content
Personalized and industry-related targeted content, posted 3 days a week to Facebook and one network of your choice, including website news articles, images and post copy.
Monthly Social Media Management plans start at just $99 (3 months required)
Post to Top Social Channels
We will create top post for your business. Post for Facebook +1 network (6 total post per week).
Additional social channels available based on plan.
Monthly Social Media Management plans start at just $99 (3 months required)
Content for Your Business
Monthly Social Media Management plans start at just $99 (3 months required)